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Travel / cancellation insurance

Travel insurance
The premium for a travel insurance from Europeesche Insurance is 2.60 p.p.p.d. including winter sports cover, medical costs and accidents. Policy costs € 3.75. Children up to 5 years old are insured for free.

Additional insurance for Damage and accommodation
This insurance covers damage to the accommodation (an opportunity to stay, such as holiday home, hotel room, etc …) or loss of prepaid deposit of a rented boat. Coverage starts as soon as the insured and / or his luggage moves into the accommodation and ends when the insured and / or his luggage leaves the accommodation. Payment will be made if the insured is liable for the damage and it exceeds € 25. The maximum payment is € 2,500 per lease.
Distribution is granted for:

  • damage to accommodation accommodation, inventory and playground equipment and private swimming pool in the garden of the accommodation accommodation, which are insured for rent or use
  • damage to a locker rented during the stay due to the loss of the key
  • damage to the front door if, due to the loss of the key to the accommodation, it must be broken open
  • withholding the prepaid deposit in case of damage to the rented boat

The premium for this additional insurance is 1.5% with 21% insurance tax and € 3.75 policy costs. Prices and insurance tax are subject to (legal) changes.

Cancellation insurance
View the various options for cancellation insurance here. The additional group cancellation insurance is available especially for large groups. Ideal for company outings!

Warranty Cancellation Cost Insurance:
The guarantee cancellation cost insurance is taken out individually for you and your own family. The insurance is taken out with our partner Europeesche Insurance and amounts to 6% of the travel sum. Policy costs € 3.75. Insurance tax 21% on premium and policy costs. For the conditions to be able to claim cancellation insurance, visit The insurance must be taken out within seven days of the date of booking.

Group Cancellation Cost Insurance:
In addition to the aforementioned individual guarantee of cancellation cost insurance, you can also opt to take out group cancellation cost insurance. We recommend choosing this insurance if you travel with a (large) group. In this case, a group jointly takes out insurance against each other. Specifically, if one of the fellow travelers cannot participate in the trip due to a valid reason (i.e. death, serious illness, serious accident injury), the entire group can cancel. The premium for a group cancellation cost insurance is built up as follows:
0 to 10 participants 3.0% of the travel sum
11 to 20 participants 3.5% of the travel sum
21 to 40 participants 4.5% of the travel sum
Policy costs € 3.75. Insurance tax 21% on premium and policy costs.
To qualify for group cancellation cost insurance, the group must consist of more than four home addresses or more than 9 people. When booking only group cancellation insurance, you are not insured for first and second degree family. For the conditions for invoking group cancellation cost insurance, see The insurance must be taken out within seven days of the date of booking. Prices and insurance tax are subject to (legal) changes.